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Android Casinos Highlights
More and more people are playing at online casinos using a mobile
device than ever before. Whether it is using a smartphone or a
tablet, people love to play casino games on the go and many of
them choose to play at Android Casinos.
One of the great things about playing at an Android Casino is
the superb graphics as the games come to life for the players.
The casino games are very user friendly and exciting to play using
the Android OS platform. At most Android Casinos you can play
all of your favorite casino games like blackjack, roulette, video
poker, baccarat and craps. Specific Android apps are available
at many of the top online casinos enabling you to play your favorite
games using your smartphone.
Even though there are a lot of online casinos that support Android,
the operating system still trails Apple by a wide margin. A recent
survey showed that the most popular mobile device was the Apple
iPhone 4S with the iPad 2 in second place. The most popular Android
device was the Motorola Droid. In terms of smartphone use, the
ratio is about 3-1 in favor of Apple while in tablet use it is
almost all Apple. Android should not be underestimated though
as they continue to roll out new products all the time including
some of the best online casino apps.